Chamber rock 5.11.2004
Been looking forward to this gig for months. Day by day the vibes began to rise. Chamber Rock was starting to feel like the next milestone in Lovexes history. The only thing to bring us down a bit was the lack of practice. The month before Chamber was spent in the studio, working on our web site and handling other Lovex stuff. We just didn’t find any time for practice.
Chamber rock –day started busy like most other gig days in Lovexes calendar. Out of bed and straight to the shower. We were due to leave from Vivian’s place for the sound check at 5. This time it would be better to be there on time and change the almost calling card style of being fashionably. Girls can get away with it but hair-dos and make-up don’t cut it now.
Unbeleivable but true, both Theo and Christian were both at Vivians by 3 and the others were on the way to Ikaali. We rocked and got the rest of the stuff loaded in the car and then we were away...
At the Ikaali health club there were loyal fans waiting when we turned into the car park. We were told that some of them had been waiting since 4.
Anyway, when we got into the hall I glanced at my watch and it was already 5. And what did the place look like? At least the stage had been put up. So, as is usual in the rock business – there was a terrible rush first and then waiting and then a hurry again. A never ending circle.
Half an hour later we were able to begin the sound check. Drums, bass, guitars and vocals set up one at a time and then we played through Guardian Angel. For Uniklubi/Bitch So Sweet, Janne sings harmony so we set up two mikes.
Around half past seven we left to Jason’s to prepare for the evening, and on the way we popped in the Sihi-drinkshop. We had a few hours time to relax a bit and we managed to revive our spikes with a bit of hair lacquer. Twister got popular with the gang. Watch you eyes with the spikes guys.
Once again a taxi-van took us to the gig. The whole schedule saw running late and we didn’t see T.A: P, Essential and Bitch so Sweet. Now it was our turn to rule the stage!
While paying the Intro the screaming and applause started reaching the stage. Wounds exploded into every corner of the hall. Lovex was the last band on stage but the fans were right with us even though they were clearly tired. There were a few mistakes on the playing side and the tempo was a little fast, but like Theon says, the speed covers the mistakes
Problems with the Timetable brought some disappointments for Lovex and the fans. Halfway through the set we got the bad news that the entertainment license was expiring and that there would only be time for two more songs. After a quick conference on stage we decided to play Guardian Angel and Bleeding for an encore. This meant that our hit Heart of Stone and I Try didn’t get played at all.
After the gig we had some mixed feelings. Happily signing some autographs dissolved any negative thoughts. There were a good crowd of kids trying to get some ink on paper. When the masses thinned out, we decided to go to the after show party at Jason’s place.
Twister, pizza and slowly sobering up brought the usual philosophising and people at about half past 5 people started wending their weary way home through the night.
Good Night Ikaalinen
-the court poet